Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Starting At Square One

Hello out there,

My daughters say it is time that I connect myself with the “real world” and learn how to be technically savvy so I can be relevant. Technology intimidates and scares me on several different fronts. It’s hard for me to figure out, it can become all-consuming and take over my life, it exposes me to the world at large… just to name a few. But it is time I put my fears aside and dive in. So please bear with me as I explore this “new phenomena” (to me anyway) of blogging.

I have a dear friend who has encouraged me all year to begin a blog. She invited me to come to her house for my first class of “blogging 101”. She along with her daughter hooked me up and before I knew it I had a personal g-mail account, and a blog site that was set to go. I then met my daughter at Coffee Beanery and she helped me set up a Facebook account. Nothing like immersing myself!
I know, this is just the beginning…I have much to learn. I can’t get on the WEB where we live so it will mean hiking into town about 2 days a week But…IT IS A BEGINNING! YAY ME! It is a day to celebrate!

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